
In this guide, we will learn about how to add new validation and sanitization rules to indicative.

Adding validation rules

Validation rules are added by defining a new key/value pair on the validations object.

Let’s start by creating a function to validate the time format.

const timeRegex = /([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?/

const timeFn = function (data, field, message, args, get) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const fieldValue = get(data, field)

    if (fieldValue && !timeRegex.test(fieldValue)) {
      return reject(message)

    resolve('validation passed')

Next, attach it to the existing validations object.

const { validations } = require('indicative')
validations.time = timeFn

With custom build it is as simple as passing a new key/value pair.

import Validator from 'indicative/builds/validator'
import { email, required } from 'indicative/builds/validations'

const validatorInstance = Validator({ email, required, time: timeFn })

Now you can make use of the time rule as any other rule.

Adding sanitization rules

The sanitization rules are attached to the sanitizor object when using the full build.

const { sanitizor } = require('indicative')
sanitizor.camelCase = function (value) {
  return _.camelCase(value)

For customized build, you can pass key/value pair when instantiating the Sanitizor instance.

import Sanitizor from 'indicative/builds/sanitizor'
import { normalizeEmail } from 'indicative/builds/sanitizations'

const camelCase = function (value) {
  return _.camelCase(value)

const sanitizorInstance = Sanitizor({ normalizeEmail, camelCase })